Lip Micropigmentation


Course dates:

Day 1 – April 28
Day 2 – April 29
Day 3 – May 5
Day 4 – May 6

In this course you will learn in depth the structure of the skin and how it reacts to micropigmentation, as well as the different types of melanin and its function in this procedure. You will understand how to identify the phototype, tone and shade of a person, in order to make the best choice of pigment. You will be able to see step by step how it is done from diagnosis to completion of the procedure.

Day 1

➢ Welcome – Presentation of the course
➢ Class introduction (ice-breaker)
➢ Lip anatomy
➢ Biosafety
➢ Materials for the procedure.
➢ Auxiliary table set-up and room preparation (sanitizing).
➢ Pre-procedure, during and post-procedure.
➢ Lunch
➢ Oswald’s star.
➢ Colorimetry (with demonstration) saturation – pigments.
➢ Importance of C.I and color degradation.
➢ Review
➢ Questions about the day’s class.

Day 2

➢ Class opening
➢ Indications, contraindications and side effects.
➢ Forms, filling out forms, consents, photos.
➢ Evaluations
➢ Lip marking (design – hands-on demonstration).
➢ lunch
➢ Student practice
➢ Practice on synthetic leather made by me (students observe).
➢ Student practice
➢ Lip marking review.
➢ Questions and answers

Day 3 – (Practice Day)

➢ Class opening
➢ Getting to know equipment and materials
➢ Demonstration on synthetic leather
➢ General review
➢ Lunch
➢ Demonstration on a model made by the teacher
Clarification of doubts

Day 4 – (Practice day)

➢ Class opening
➢ Half of the class will perform the practice and the other half will be observing.
➢ At the end of the practice, we change groups.
➢ Lunch
➢ Evaluation
➢ Completion and presentation of diplomas

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